Muqatil bin Sulayman (d.150H) on the creed of Meccan polytheists

The foundations of the Wahhabi creed is built on the claim that Meccan polytheists possessed “Tawhid Ar-Rububiya (Oneness of Lordship)” and that the main mission with which Prophets were sent was only to correct them on “Tawhid al-Uluhiya (Oneness of Worship)”, based on their tripartite division of Tawhid.

Muhammed bin Abdir Rahmaan al Khumayyis, a Wahhabite commentator to the book “The Four Principles of Shirk” by Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab, explains this creed of theirs as follows:

“The first of these rules is: Knowing that the polytheists during the time of Allah’s Messenger, from the disbelievers of Makkah and others, affirmed and acknowledged Allah’s Lordship(Ruboobiyyah), which is to single Allah out and make Him one with regard to His creating, administering and controlling of the universe. They did not ascribe partners to Him in these aspects. ……… However, they ascribed and mixed partners with Him in worship, so this acknowledgement was of no benefit to them.”

In fact, their creed goes to further absurd lengths proclaiming that ALL OF MANKIND possess and affirm Tawhid Ar-Rububiyah (Oneness of Lordship). For example, a chief head of the Wahhabi movement in Britian summarizes this doctrine of theirs:

As for Tawheed Ar-Rubūbiyyah, then all of mankind who follow a religion affirm Tawheed Ar-Rubūbiyyah for Allah. No one denies that Allah (the Most High) is the Creator, the Sustainer, the Giver of Life and death except a few individuals who oppose virtually the whole of humanity ―and they only reject the Creator out of pride, haughtiness and obstinance, whilst recognising the truth of His Lordship internally. The Jews, Christians and idol-worshippers all affirm that Allāh (Almighty God) is the sole Lord and Creator.

So, all of mankind affirm that Allāh (God Almighty) is Al-Khāliq, Al-RāziqAl-Muhyee, Al-Mumeet, Al-Mudabbir, i.e that He is the Creator, the Sustainer and Provider, the Giver of Life, the Bringer of death and the Controller of all creation. However, this is not the category of Tawheed that is the most sought-after. This category is affirmed by virtually everyone, the Christians and the idolators but its realisation does not lead them to worship Allāh alone, because they worship other gods and objects alongside Him.

As for the testification, “lā ilāha illallāh” then it means, “there is no deity worthy of worship in truth except for Allah.” The misguided sects such as the Mu’tazilah, Ashā’irah and AhlulKalām interpreted the oneness of Allah’s worship (Tawheed Al-‘Ulūhiyyah) to mean oneness in Allah’s Lordship (Tawheed Ar-Rubbūbiyyah) so they said that “lā ilāha illallāh” means “there is no creator besides Allah.”

It is clear that these folks have no clue about the polytheistic religions of the world.

While we have addressed these creedal principles in detail in previous posts (see), here we instead bring quotes from the commentary of Quran by Muqatil bin Sulayman (who lived during the period of the salaf) citing the creed of the Meccan and Arab polytheists.

Commentary to Quran Chapter 21 Verse 25,

Cursory Translation:

{We sent no Messenger before you without revealing to him: ‘There is no god but Me, so worship Me.’}[Verse:25] meaning Unite/Oneness.

{They say} i.e. Meccan unbelievers, including Al Nadr ibn al-Harith {‘The All-Merciful has a son.’} They said: The angels are the daughters of God Almighty, so the Lord exalted Himself from their words. He said:{Glory be to Him! Rather they} meaning angels {are honored slaves!}[Verse: 26] who worship their Lord , and they are not the daughters of Ar-Rahman, but God has honored them by their worship of Him.


{They only intercede on behalf of those with whom He is pleased} He says: The angels do not intercede except for those whom God is pleased with, meaning the people of Tawhid who do not say that the angels are the daughters of Allah Almighty. Because the Meccan unbelieves claimed that the angels intercede for them in the hereafter with God Almighty.

Commentary to Quran Chapter 8 Verse 27,

Cursory Translation:

His saying:{When Our Signs are recited to them}, meaning the Qur’an, { they say, ‘We have already heard all this. If we wanted, we could say the same thing} the Quran. Al Nadr ibn al-Harith from Banu Abd al-Dar bin Qusai (from the Quraysh tribe) said, {This is nothing} i.e., that which Muhammed says from the Quran {but the myths of previous peoples} meaning narrations of the previous people. Meaning (Nadr ibn al Harith says) Muhammed peace be upon him narrates from the people of the past whereas I am telling you about Rustam and Isfandiyar (Persian stories) just as Muhammed says. Uthman bin Maz’oon (the sahabi) said: Fear Allah O Nadr for Muhammed is telling the truth. He (Nadr ibn al Harith) said: I am telling the truth. Uthman said: Muhammed says There is no god but Allah. He (Nadr ibn al Harith) said: I say There is no god but Allah however the angels are the daughters of Allah.

Commentary to Quran Chapter 25 Verse 2,

Cursory Translation:

Then the Lord Almighty exalted Himself from their shirk. And He, Glory be to Him, said: {He to whom the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs} alone. {He does not have a son} according to the Jews and the Christians, Uzair is the son of God and the Messiah is the son of God. {And He has no partner in the Kingdom} from among the angels, and that is because the Arabs said: Allah Almighty is partner to the angels, so they worshipped them. So Allah Almighty belied them.

Commentary to Quran Chapter 6 Verse 100,

Cursory Translation:

{Yet they make} meaning attributed (to God} those whom He created for service {the jinn as co-partners} from among the angels, because (the tribes) of Juhaynah, Banu Salama and Khuza’ah and others said: they (the jins) hail from the angels. They claimed: the jinn are the daughters of Ar-Rahman. And Allah said: {when He created them! And they attribute to Him}……{sons and daughters without any knowledge} they teach that He has sons and daughters. That is because the Jews said: Uzair is the son of God, and the Christians said: The Messiah is the son of God, and the Arabs said: The angels are the daughters of God. Allah says: {Glory be to Him} He freed Himself from their false claims. Then He exalted Himself, He said: { and High is He} meaning Exalted {far above what they describe} [verse 100] meaning they are lying.


Then He disclosed Himself of His Oneness. He said: {That is Allah, your Lord} who created them and created everything, and had neither a wife nor a son. Then he united Himself since the Meccan unbelievers did not unite Him. He said: {There is no god but Him, the Creator of everything. So worship Him} meaning unite Him. {He is responsible for everything}[verse 102] He is the Lord of everything mentioned from male, female and others.


Contrary to the Wahhabite creed, the Arab and Meccan polytheists did not affirm the Oneness (Wahdaniyat) of Allah and instead claimed the angels were daughters to Allah and jinn as wives to Allah and as such were partners to Allah deserving of their worship. It is to such gods that Arab and Meccan polytheists devoted their worship and relied upon as intercessors.

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